Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to keep your Macon, Georgia, family together during foreclosure.

Sell Your House In Middle Georgia
After dealing with many homeowners in foreclosure, I've had the benefit of meeting some of America's most amazing families in Georgia. With what seems like a steady stream of bill collectors calling, mountains of bills and late notices piled on the kitchen tables of most of the homes I've visited, americans are still stronger than ever! I decided to dig into what keeps a family together during these tough and trying times.

Today, not only is the economy an issue, we've got divorce, global warming, swine flu, and GOD knows what else to keep us in a heightened state of stress. Not to mention living in the day and time of checking your Blackberry emails to see if your Bank was shut down by the FEDS, I guess as long as we have less than $250,000 (what's insured by the FDIC) we're not to concerned. Anyway, you get my point. They say a family that prays together stays together, and maybe that's what a father (or Mother) has to do when they find out they're being foreclosed on, and have to break the news to the family at dinner. >>read more